
My name is Michelle Bartlett, and I want to welcome you to the Ladies Club growing across the UK. I always think it’s important to know who and why these clubs or business ideas start so just a little background about my family, my why, my clubs, my vision and why I believe every lady should be able to experience a Live Laugh Love moment in their lives. If you are still interested then read on..…

My Why

Drawing on my past experiences and personal contacts from previous businesses I believed that a Ladies Club would be a good idea. Whilst sitting in my kitchen one day, feeling the ’empty nest syndrome’, as many of us do, I looked at my wall plaque ’Live Laugh Love’ … My lightbulb moment, where do ladies go for a night out? Where do ladies of all generations mix? Where can ladies go safely and belong?   

Women generally put themselves last on their list and feel underappreciated and exhausted with life. They need to find time for themselves. Women love to talk and share stories, so here grew my new business opportunity to help empower, inspire and engage local women.  Live Laugh Love Ladies Club was born.

My Family

Paul and I have been happily married for 21 years. My biggest achievement is being a mum to three healthy, beautiful daughters and Step-Mum to two handsome sons. They are all gorgeous kids and I am very proud of them.  We now have one grandson and one more little one on the way, so as life changes for us, I am sure a lot of you can relate to our next chapter.

We are a family who socialise, some say 'too much', enjoy holidays, especially cruising, but have fun together. However, as the children get more independent, now in their 30's apart from one, it is harder to arrange those special days when we are all together. Whilst they grow, we do too, and that is My Why for starting Live Laugh Love Ladies club, it gave me a place for me and others to belong.

“Women reach a crossroads in their life with kids leaving home, relationships and work changing. Women are looking for something to change their lives and give them a purpose”

My Clubs

Our social groups are for ladies any age over 18 to meet, relax and enjoy a guest speaker, variety of food and great company. The speakers are key to our success by inspiring, educating and sharing life stories. Ladies learn so much and are empowered to make changes in their lives too. Sometimes it's just about the company, entertainment, games or a party theme, and we believe it’s the variety that makes a great club!

Some ladies like to come on their own, looking to make new friendships, some want to be inspired by our range of guest speakers, or some come with family and friends to make a night out without the men! It’s a joy to see all the ladies together, a mix of all ages communicating, laughing, sharing and caring. 

In 2020, the world changed and so did our Clubs. We adapted to take our events online so that our community of women could still enjoy our guest speakers from the safety of their homes. We reached out to some AMAZING speakers including Football Manager and TV Star, Harry Redknapp and Actor Greg Austin, and our regular schedule of 3-4 events per week was a lifeline for many who were isolated at home alone. From September 2021, our Clubs re-opened across the country, and we couldn’t be happier to be welcoming ladies back into our venues, to kick off where we left off before the pandemic.

My Vision

My vision is simple, to engage women of all ages, to feel special, make time for themselves, find their purpose and believe they are worth it. Families suffer when we are unhappy, so I believe every lady should experience a 'Live Laugh Love' moment with new friends.  If you fill your cup up to overflowing, you can give so much more to others.

When asked if I would take this across the world, my impulsive answer was "yes, why not!" We have the tools to duplicate the process, the knowledge to share and the state of the art systems to be proud of and make the journey simple. I would love to connect women everywhere, just to add a bit of sparkle back into their lives and allow others to enjoy doing what I do. With the growth of the clubs we can achieve anything. 

If you believe it, you can achieve it and we certainly have! If you believe it, you can achieve it and we certainly have! 

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